
How to Recognize a Cocaine Addict in Your Family? 

Cocaine addicts often try to hide their addiction. If somebody in your family is an addict, you would notice them disappearing for a while and then returning with a different mood. They may appear more confident, happier, and all smiles. They may talk a lot or feel sexually aroused. During meal times, they won’t eat much. When you are all sleepy and yawning at night, they may be up and alert. 

And if you notice traces of some white powder around your loved one’s nose, don’t ignore it. It indicates your loved one is snorting cocaine. Many addicts love to inject this drug, while a few others ingest it. The last one is severely dangerous because it can damage the intestines. 

North Dakota drug rehab center specializes in treating addicts of some of the most addictive and dangerous drugs in the world. This includes cocaine. 

What other signs do you see in a cocaine addict?

According to rehab specialists, dilated pupils are another sign to watch out for. Also, an addict doesn’t like bright lights, as his/her eyes become much more sensitive to light. So, Many addicts love to inject this drug, while a few others ingest it. The last one is severely dangerous because it can damage the intestines if your dear one loves to stay in a dimly lit room, put your antenna up. 

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In addition to the suspicious signs, if he or she has a runny nose or nose bleed or any damage to the inside of the nose, you must decide it’s time to talk to them about their deeds. 

If your loved one injects cocaine, then look out for needle marks on their hands, feet, arms, legs, or neck. You may even check their room when they are not around. Don’t be surprised if you find used syringes, Many addicts love to inject this drug, while a few others ingest it. The last one is severely dangerous because it can damage the intestines tiny plastic bags, or tiny packets of white powder in their drawer. 

It’s time to call the addiction hotline. 

Mentioned below are signs of cocaine addiction, classified as per physical appearance, mental state, and binge consumption.

Signs of cocaine addiction on physical appearance

  • Shabbily dressed
  • Dilated pupils
  • Runny nose (due to snorting)
  • Nosebleeds (due to snorting)
  • Marks on limbs or neck (due to injecting)
  • Burned fingers or lips (due to smoking cocaine) 

Signs of addiction on the mental state

  • Unusually excited
  • Euphoric state
  • Overconfidence
  • Aggressiveness
  • Poor judgment
  • Paranoia
  • Delusions
  • Hallucinations

Signs of prolonged use or binge use

  • Depression
  • Apathy
  • Agitation
  • Exhaustion
  • Sleeping for longer periods
  • Taking higher doses
  • Intense cravings
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After prolonged cocaine use, a person who wants to De-addict may experience intense cocaine withdrawal symptoms on not taking cocaine. That’s why it is imperative to withdraw under medical supervision by enrolling in a drug rehab program. 

Effects of cocaine use on heart

A cocaine user often has a faster heart rate. Cocaine constricts blood vessels. This can reduce blood flow to and from the heart. This increases the risk of a heart attack. If somebody in your family is an addict, you would notice them disappearing for a while and then returning with a different mood. They may appear more confident, happier, and all smiles. They may talk a lot or feel sexually aroused. During meal times, they won’t eat much. When you are all sleepy and yawning at night, they may be up and alert.  Prolonged use may lead to an enlarged heart and cardiac arrest. 

Your loved one may not accept their addiction immediately. The basic tendency is to hide it. However, as you talk and coax them, they might admit. It is best to search for “drug rehab near me” and find a suitable rehab center for your loved one. Addiction is not the end of the world. 

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